CSS Update


Modified the website CSS to now play more nicely with narrow displays, so you can now view it better from a cellphone. Nothing fancy, but it was bothering me that I had not done it yet.

A Minor Addition


I do still live, somehow. I have added a new article, as well as a quick-link to it on the homepage. The placement is likely temporary until I decide what the exact layout for the homepage will be, but until then it stays.

Minor Spelling Mistake



New Section, New Rubbish


I have changed the "Other" section with a brand-new "Articles" section where you may read a whopping [1] Article(s) containing my unfiltered and foolish thoughts. Nevermind why anybody would ever want to do that, but they certainly can now! Hopefully I will be able to find the spare moments to keep updating this area with various silly things that I am mulling over at that moment. A bit of brain-pour really. I just think about this kind of garbage very frequently, so now it is concentrated in one place where people may visit and subject themselves to my inane ramblings. Enjoy!



I have never been one for a good schedule, and this is certainly no different. However, there are now non-placeholder fellows to accompany you on these empty pages, so do treat them well. Perhaps, if I were so ambitious, I would make some rudimentary form of interaction with them through JavaScript. In time, maybe! I have been finding myself with more energy and drive to work on many of my different little projects and facinations, so that may very well include this place. Although to be quite honest, I do not imagine much of anybody ever seeing this place. There is no point making something for anybody but myself, I suppose.

(There were also a few visual tweaks and fixes as well, but those are not truly interesting enough to speak of.)



My, it has been some time last I touched all this up, hm? Well, let it be known that it never left my thoughts! I have a few ideas of what to put where and how I may do that, but for the time being I will just do a bit of clean up to make my jumping back into this all the easier. I also found a spare moment to plan a brand new fellow and polish up the fellow area all together, perhaps even with names for all these fellows. Never mind any of that for now, though. What matters is what is made and finished, what can be seen!

Stylish(?) Fellows


Fellows now have a little background behind them, which I may at some point have randomize as well for the sake of a little extra variation. There are not, however, any actual non-placeholder fellows yet. The fellows will be numerous! Numerous!

Slowly But Surely


A new little button that takes you to the top of the page now exists. It, however, currently has no use as there is not a single page here that is large enough to require scrolling. Other than that, the updates section has been cleaned up behind the scenes, as well as a bit of the CSS. All of it highly uninteresting I am sure.



I have created a terrible place!